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Awareness.  Action.  Policy Change. 

  1. Awareness- The phrase, "knowledge is power" applies to this organization more than ever. The biggest weapon that I have noticed that they group of terrorist has is fear. People are scared to talk about this "Secret Organization",  for the fear that they will be retaliated against by them. People are afraid to speak negatively and honestly about what these terrorist are really doing. They have people scared to acknowledge them and challenge them. I do not know how long these dangerous secret organizations have been in existence but one day is one too many. We have the right to freedom of speech and freedom in general. People are walking around, completely aware that this organization exists (mostly because they are loud) but in fear that if they speak up, this  "invisible threat"  will harm them in some way. Are we not Americans? Are we not free human beings? This blatantly disregard for everything that this country stands for and  should not be tolerated, in this country nor any other.
  2. Action- It has taken me 5 years to move to action because I was in fear. I suggest that you don't wait once they introduce themselves into your lives. I use to keep a very detailed journal but I was so afraid of these people that I stopped writing. Every time I would pick up a pen to write they would send, what felt like a shock or electrical pulse thru my head and it was extremely painful. I would stop. Big regret.  Keep documentation of any strange occurrences (with technology or otherwise)  and tell someone what you experienced. I was too afraid of what  they could do, but I realize that they are doing this to make money and for amusement so they are going to do it anyway. No one else has to live under these circumstances where life, self respect, career, finances and families are victimized by the actions of these individuals. ACTION has to be taken. Report these criminals to local authorities.  For long time after several failed attempts, I was brainwashed into believing exactly what they told me- "No one would believe me." , "Everyone is going to think you are crazy, they can't see us, this is the perfect crime" (they were silent in the presence of law enforcement most times, officials, any one is a respected position), "You have a history of mental illness (anxiety), who's going to believe an irrational crazy person?", "We are going to continue to sexually assault you and the way the law works, is because there no "proof" to substantiate your reports- we're going to do this until we kill you".  These are adults, this is a form of not only cyber bullying but attempted murder. Write a letter. Make a police report. Contact a tip line. The moment you hear something strange or out of the ordinary  from a telecommunications device, or in your immediate environment be vigilant. More importantly self less. 
  3.  Policy Change. Policy Change. Policy Change. Our society is evolving and with evolution we must amend and readdress issues and revise them to suit the times. We must impose stricter and harsher penalties for computer criminals, organized crime and gang members and its affiliates. We need laws in each state that ban the use of electromagnetic weapons or any energy weapon.  What has happened to me is not only a form of cyber bullying, but also attempted murder. The laws should align with the criminals objectives. These criminals begin terrorizing me online- hacking my computer, then them expanded their resume and branched off into various other aspects of technological terrorism. They have and are violating FCC Regulatory rules by illegally using Telecommunication devices and signal Jamming and Hi Jacking.  Additionally, the use of ACTIVE DENIAL WEAPONS is dangerous! We need to consider readdressing the access to Patent information. Public information on how to construct, the uses or and the effects of SUPER WEAPONS should not readily be available.  They now have escalated  to more serious crimes, which should hold more serious penalties.   IF there were laws in place that address crimes of this nature and of this magnitude focusing on these "types" of criminals - then it reduces the chances of anyone enduring the humiliatingly, disgusting, painful and  inescapable physical and psychological violence that I have endured.  


© 2013 Save ASHLEY  All rights reserved



This website was made before I knew what was happening  - (apologize for not updating it sooner). Before I knew htc were using lasers/sasers and free space systems (which are energy weapons in all regards). Note that one strategy used by these htc criminals has been the circulation of misinformation or terms to aid them in preventing the crime from being addressed.   Consider this before and this one:  after research . 

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